Why I’m bored of the empowerment vs. exploitation debate in feminism (and beyond)

“When you think about it, to constantly be asking whether practices generally associated with women and girls in the public imagination are empowering or exploitative reveals how our culture still views women and girls as entirely passive subjects with absolutely no agency…”

Unpaid labour within lived experience research, policy and practice

“In March, I attended and presented at an academic conference at Durham University that was centred around the subject of lived experience within research, policy and practice. My presentation involved looking at the issue of over-reliance on unpaid labour within this area, using some of my own experiences as case studies…”

The gendered politics of body hair

“These feelings have made me realise that despite my focus in recent years on gender studies and feminist theories, I still have been struggling to let go of deeply entrenched subconscious beliefs about the concepts of femininity, masculinity and gender as a whole…”

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: Domestic abuse and socio-economic class

“Today (25th November) is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and because of this, I want to talk about a form of gender-based violence that I’ve yet to discuss on this blog: domestic abuse…”

Bodily autonomy, censorship and stigma

“Why is it that a woman showing parts of her body (on her own terms) causes people on all sides of the political spectrum to lose their minds with outrage?”

Why you should be worried about the prohibition of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in the UK

“It is correct to point out that we have a cultural problem that facilitates male violence against women and girls but it is wrong to assume that this problem is caused by women expressing and capitalising from their sexuality in whatever way they deem appropriate. ..”

How the film ‘Promising Young Woman’ tackles the insidious nature of gender-based violence (contains spoilers and discussions of sexual violence – trigger warning)

“The reason this film works so well is because it’s very good at demonstrating how patriarchal attitudes within our culture manifest into physical violence against women. What makes the violence in the film impactful rather than gratuitous is the way these scenes are shot. We experience the impact of the violence from the perspective of those impacted rather than watching it happen to them, which would remove us from the experience…”

Should universities be offering support to student sex workers? (spoiler alert: the answer is yes)

“the sex work debate proves that as a society we’re still very much chained to a belief system that dictates that people with power and capital (whether that be economic, social, cultural or intellectual) have the right to control what women do with their bodies, and sadly that includes many feminists…”

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